Tuesday, September 27, 2011

my design brief, design specifications & test for my product.

Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.

Im making a song, Im making this to see if i have any artistic skill; and i am making this for underclassmen (6th graders)

11. What are the requirements for this assignment? 

In this assignments theres a lot of requirements, coming up with the lyrics that actually make scince and make it catchy so people can remember it, making the melody of the song, the tune what chords to play, either to pluck the strings or strum them, make it just as long as a real song to explain everything.

12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?

The limitations are the lyrics, it might not get stuck in their heads or maybe they wont like it, so i have the get the right sound each of them would like.

13. How will you "test" your project?

i'll show it to my freinds first so they can hear it then ask them if it needs any changes and brainstorm again if i should remake the song. i'll test them on the design cycle and see if the song helped them pass or not. and see the average of them who passed cause of the song.

Design Specification

  • teach the underclassmen about the design cycle.
  • teach them in a fun way.
  • make them really understand it.
  • make it 2-3 minutes long.
  • explain what its used for.
  • make sure it works for them
  • use many materials to make it catchy for them

                                 Test For My Product.
I will give the a group of people a quiz after they hear the song 2 times back to back, make them get the song inside their heads and see of it worked. but before that, ill just let them study from a paper and compare the passing or failing averages, so more like  comparing the test score to each other to see if its an improvment.

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